Learning about the services of J.F. Heat Treating Inc in Gastonia, NC, you will likely see badges declaring our membership in ASM International. This society has united the heat treating community for over a century and offers training opportunities, news and technical resources. Read more to learn about how they help us.
What is ASM International?
ASM International is a membership organization devoted to advancing heat treating. It offers education, technical resources and news to members to help advance their training. While it started with a limited scope, due to the technology and knowledge at the time, it evolved as the methods and practices advanced as well. Today, ASM International offers several technical divisions to help members with specialties.
The roots of ASM International started as the Steel Treaters Club in Detroit in 1913. Today, it is a diverse group that encompasses a variety of industries and skills, which all have heat treating in common. ASM International is also referred to as the ASM Heat Treating Society in order to continue providing focused leadership and guidance.
What does ASM do to benefit heat treaters?
The membership of ASM dedicates itself to the following goals:
- Networking for heat treaters to help them discuss challenges
- Offering technical information required for this trade
- Keeping a clearinghouse of references to advance this information
- Being a contact with other organizations that also serve heat treaters
ASM holds seminars, networking events and conferences to uphold these goals. There are also classroom sessions available to everyone from apprentice trainees to professionals with decades of experience. The organization publishes handbooks on everything from heat treating fundamentals to the more advanced topics, like induction heating and heat treatment. Members receive subscriptions to various online magazines and can follow one of the many news feeds offered by ASM.
Members also receive access to many of the written resources online, which puts them in touch with the latest information and allows for quick reference. There is even a Heat Treater’s Guide Companion available in a mobile app.
What does ASM membership mean to the consumer?
An ASM International badge on a website or a shop door indicates the heat treater has access to the latest information and training available. Your heat treating professional is likely to be informed and skilled. However, if you present a problem that is new to the shop, those workers will have access to information needed to find a solution and serve you well.
Basically, you are ensured a level of service quality that is unlikely with a shop that is not an ASM International member. As you likely rely on heat treating to ensure the best operation of your machinery and heavy equipment, this extra assurance goes a long way in helping you have confidence in those services.
J.F. Heat Treating Inc is a member of ASM International and we enjoy all the benefits offered by that organization. If you need repairs, strengthening, hardening or assistance with getting your steel to adopt certain qualities or levels of purity, our heat treating in Gastonia, NC can help you. Contact us today to arrange a visit to our shop and get started your project.