Author Archives: Writer

Why Gastonia, NC Steel Needs Heat Treating

Steel is a material for a vast range of consumer products and scientific wonders. From safety pins to satellites, it is a building block for modernity and the basis for many consumer and commercial products. However, many of its applications are impossible without retaining heat treating services in Gastonia, NC. Here is how the heat […]

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Metallurgical Services in Gastonia, NC to Benefit Your Heavy Equipment

Heavy equipment makes jobs easier but it can also complicate your business if it fails. Metallurgical services can check the integrity of machine parts to prevent everything from catastrophic failure to inconvenient breakdowns. They also include the means to reverse these conditions and provide information on materials before manufacture or after an incident. Here are […]

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Toughness Versus Hardness

If you were to ask someone what the difference between toughness and hardness is, most would generally answer that they’re the same thing. Such is not the case for anyone familiar with heat treatments in Gastonia, NC, however. To a seasoned metallurgist, toughness and hardness are two very different properties and they apply themselves to […]

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