
Heat Treating in the Automotive Industry

Auto part heat treating is crucial to automotive manufacturing. Heat treating automotive parts gives various components the qualities they need to deliver strength and safety. Consider the following parts and how heat treating is used to make them solid and reliable. Gears Auto part heat treating is used to produce optimal case depth for gears. […]

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Why Outsourcing Heat Treating Is Beneficial

While it may sound appealing to keep all operations in-house, there are several benefits of outsourcing heat treating. Partnering with heat treating companies helps you reduce costs and improve production. Consider the following advantages of outsourcing this task. Capital savings One of the main benefits of outsourcing heat treating is a reduction in costs. In-house […]

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How Does Heat Treating Change Metal?

Steel is used in everything from vehicles and airplanes to buildings and heavy equipment. Because it’s incredibly strong and durable, it’s a versatile material. Steel is made by adding carbon to iron and heat treating it. The heat treating process makes steel harder and stronger in Gastonia, NC. Heat treating can also be used on […]

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What Is Metal Aging?

If the term “metal aging” has you thinking of the gray-haired, black-clad fans at a Tool concert, you’re probably not alone—but when it comes to metallurgy in Gastonia, SC, metal aging is a process used to speed up metallurgical changes in metal alloys. Here’s what metal aging can accomplish in your next project. The basics […]

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